

It's official! We are following the calling to homeschool our kids with Christian curriculum. I had convinced myself that we would just "try" homeschooling while Kenzi was in preschool, but that was clearly not His plan. The more I homeschool, the more I research, and the more moms I meet that homeschool, the more I know that we are following a difficult calling! Every time I have a doubt or meet someone who questions our choice God sends someone into my life that is already walking this challenged path. I can't stop smiling!  have met some of the most amazing kids that are homeschooled, and I am so looking forward to raising children with those same values. I know there will be days of struggle, hurtful comments, and long days with no breaks...but Kenny and I just can't find a good enough reason NOT to homeschool! I tried convincing myself that we could "fit in" the Christian education piece when the kids got home from "normal" school, but that's just ridiculous. As if my 30 minutes of parenting will compare to their 8 hours of school surrounded by unbelievers and "worldly thinkers"...and that's not including sports time! I have put together a SHORT list of reasons why the Nash kids will be any of them speak to you?!?!

• To stand up for Christ in a world that knows nothing about Him.

• To glorify God and build Godly character

• To teach the difference between academics, the “real” world, and our Christian duty

•To teach good stewardship

• So we can weave the biblical view into all subjects

• To be a strong Christian witness to my community by letting others know I take my faith seriously every day of the week, not just Sunday’s

• To tailor the lessons for each child, encourage kids to work in areas they have talent and help them to master areas they are weak in

• To build close relationships with people in our family

• So my kids are able to live and study in an environment free from drug/alcohol abuse, profanity, and other anti-social behavior.



Selah has become my new favorite word. It's found in the Psalms 39 times, and I'm pretty sure God thinks that word is a big deal! The only word I say that many times in one day is "No", and to a mom, that's a pretty big word!


It translates to a few different things, but the one I like most is "Let those with eyes see and ears hear." It means STOP and LISTEN.  And that is something God is clearly asking me to do right now. I feel pulled in a million directions once again, why is it that things seem to always fall apart at the same time?  There are so many things my heart wants to do right now, but I completely hear God telling me to STOP and LISTEN. His plan is not always my plan. And right now our plans are miles apart!


So I wait, trying to imagine a plan better than my own. I know one day I will look back and see how it all made sense, but right now it's taking everything I've got to just stop. I'm not so good at stopping. Which is probably exactly why God is continuously reminding me to STOP and LISTEN. Easier said than done, but we usually aren't called to do easy things.